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What is a reversible bedding motif?

Reversible kids theme duvet bedding set with different printing on both side

Reversible double-sided theme bedding, also called as reversible duvet or reversible 2 design in 1 is a set of bedding with different printed pattern on both sides of the duvet cover, made of the same type of fabric. The name double-sided bedding is used to specify bedding sets made of materials with different printing, coloring, theme, patterns or design on both sides of the duvet cover and pillow cases. Bedding with a reversible theme is the opposite of homogeneous bedding, for the production of which materials of the same color or print on both sides were used. Double-sided bedding sets have become very popular and widespread especially among designs intended for children.

Double-sided bedding comes in several types. The most common variant is bedding with a panel print theme on one side (obverse) and homogeneous, rotary or one-color motif on the other side (reverse). Cushion covers in such sets usually have the same panel theme on both sides. Another variant of reversible bedding is bedding with different panel motifs on both sides of the quilt cover and the pillowcases. The last not so popular types of double-sided sets are bedding patterns with a pillow cover with a panel motif on one side and a one-color or rotary theme on the other side.

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