What is a licensed duvet? What a licensed duvets means?

The license duvet (quilt) is a duvet manufactured on the basis of a patented and provided by the licensor formula according to its guidelines, characterized by unique properties or features. The terms license duvet (quilts) are most often used for quilts made of synthetic fibers, with anti-allergic, anti-mite and anti-fungal properties, from raw materials able to wash in high temperatures – up to 95°C degrees, allowing long-term use and easy maintenance at home. The largest and most popular licensor in Europe is Advansa formerly DuPont, while in North America it is INVISTA. In principle, license quilts are characterized by a strictly defined formula and the license requirements make that regardless of the country of origin and manufacturer, quilts have the same parameters, properties and quality.

The most popular and widespread duvets and quilts made under license of AdvanSA in Europe are Dacron® 95, Hollofil® Allerban® duvets, Comforell® Allerban® and the exclusive collections of Quallofil®, Suprelle®, Climarelle® and Hollofil® Eco®. The most important advantage of license duvets is the fact that regardless of the final producer, we will always get a standardized product, a quilt with the same parameters. Therefore, deciding to buy quilts under license, we should only be guided by its price. In our online store, you can purchase Hollofil Allerban, Dacron collection, AdvanSA licensed duvets, made by company Poldaun, whose quilts and pillows can be found more often in renowned Western European stores than in discount stores.

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